Simple, Successful Business

5. Uncovering Your Unique Brilliance

Episode Summary

In this episode, Cameron shares the process of uncovering your Unique Brilliance to create the aligned, full-time coaching business of your dreams.

Episode Notes

The most important tool in your coaching business isn't your funnel, tech, or passive income strategy - it's your Unique Brilliance.

It's not something that you need to discover after a long quest or a lengthy journey. Your Unique Brilliance already exists within you. And it's waiting to be uncovered.

Most coaches waste time and energy by focusing on other parts of their business before this... and it shows. But when you start the process of building an aligned, full-time coaching business from here, everything else becomes so much easier.

In this episode, I'm sharing with you the process of uncovering or amplifying your Unique Brilliance to create the aligned, full-time coaching business of your dreams.

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